Bioenergia ry seuraa: Glasgow´n ilmastokokous COP26

Bioenergia ry seuraa aktiivisesti Glasgow´n COP26-ilmastokokousta paikan päällä 9.-12.11. ja etänä. Voit seurata viestintäämme Twitterissä #KoskaBioenergiaaTarvitaan

Lisätietoja: Iida Hollmén 04044890417 ja Hannes Tuohiniitty 040 1948628 (Glasgow´ssa 9.-12.11.)

Webinar: Global role of bioenergy in the coming decades to combat climate change

Bioenergia ry:n webinaari järjestettiin 9.11.2021 klo 14-14.45 Glasgow time (UTC), 15 CET ja 16 Finnish time (EET).

Webinaarin moderaattorina toimi Bharadwaj Kummamuru WBA:sta.

Bery järjesti webinaarin yhteistyössä WBA:n kanssa.

Katso webinaarin tallenne:


Glasgow´n kokouksen yhteydessä järjestetään paljon erilaisia avoimia tapahtumia. Osaa pääsee seuraamaan myös etänä. Listasimme joitain ehdotuksia kiinnostavista tapahtumista liittyen mm. bioenergiaan, hiilidioksidin talteenottoon ja kierrätykseen/varastointiin sekä vapaaehtoisiin kompensaatiojärjestelmiin.

Listaa päivitetään tarvittaessa.

Net-Zero and Beyond: How Carbon Removal and Reduction Technologies Champion Climate Targets

Monday, 1 November

18:30 CET | 17:30 GMT | 12:30 EDT

About the Webinar

As part of the European Union’s COP 26 side events, the Global CCS Institute is hosting a webinar on CCS, COP 26 and climate targets, in close collaboration with the CCUS Project Network, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and South Pole.

This event will focus on leading carbon removal technologies and CCUS projects across Europe, showcasing transformative climate action in the region. Join us to hear discussions between industry and civil society on DACCS and CCUS in the Green Deal, and insights on the just transition with Mission Innovation countries and global partners.

Panel participants include:

Tim Dixon: General Manager, IEAGHG

Christiaan Deynoot: Sustainability Adviser and Business Development Manager, South Pole

Kari Helgason: Head of Research and Innovation, Carbfix

Charlotte Hartley: Stakeholder and Communications Lead, Storegga

Guloren Turan (moderator) General Manager, Advocacy and Communications, Global CCS Institute

Linkki tilaisuuteen


North-South collaboration for inclusion

AIKA: Pe 5.11. klo 13.30 Suomen aikaa (11.30 Brittien aikaa)

Mihin metsä-, maatalous-, ja ilmastodataa tarvitaan kehittyvissä maissa?
Miten teknologiset innovaatiot mahdollistavat paikallisyhteisöjen osallisuuden tiedon tuottamisessa ja hyödyntämisessä?
Mikä on ollut Pohjois-Etelä – yhteistyön merkitys tiedon saatavuutta ja interaktiivisuutta kehittäessä?
Tapahtuman järjestää Food and Forest Development Finland (FFD) COP26 Nordic Pavilionissa.

Linkki striimaukseen:

8th Nov

10:00-11:30 — Decarbonizing shipping in line with the Paris agreement: what will it take?

Nordic Pavilion: Decarbonizing shipping in line with the Paris agreement: what will it take? — What will it take for the industry to decarbonize in line with the Paris agreement?

To decarbonize by 2050, the maritime sector must be well underway by 2030, with a share of 5%  sustainable fuels and 200 deep sea vessels running on sustainable fuels. This event will discuss the main challenges incl. supply of green fuels at scale and enabling policy- and regulatory measures.

16:15-17:00 — Capturing Golden Opportunities

Nordic Pavilion: Capturing Golden Opportunities — Scotland and Nordic countries striving to deliver success in carbon capture, usage and storage

‍Working together to deliver success in carbon capture, usage and storage. IPCC have stressed the importance of CCS in order to meet climate targets.  The event will showcase the opportunities that exist for knowledge sharing and collaboration across the Nordic countries and Scotland on CCS, drawing upon decades of respective experience at the leading edge of the global energy sector to accelerate the transition to net zero.

  • SSE and Equinor’s joint plans to develop the UK’s first CCS-equipped power station at Peterhead.
  • The Danish Energy Islands project and planned CO2 storage infrastructure  

Moderator: Svend Søyland, Nordic Energy Research


  • Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
  • Irene Rummelhoff, EVP, Equinor
  • Martin Pibworth, Energy and Commercial Director, SSE
  • Hanne Storm Edlefsen, Chief Strategic Planning, Energinet
  • Rune Volla, Director, Department of Energy, Norwegian Research Council

Organizer: Nordic Energy Research

Partners: Equinor, SSE, Energinet

Molempiin rekisteröityminen (ilmaista) tapahtuu:

The realistic deployment potential of Carbon Dioxide Removal

Tune in on November 8th at 14:00 GMT to listen to NEGEM’s experts discussing the latest #research on the realistic deployment potential of #CarbonDioxideRemoval.

Watch the livestream:

Bridging the gap: Unlocking Net Zero through investment in sustainable bioenergy and BECCS
Date/Time: Tuesday 9th November, 9.00am – 10.30am
Location: Blue Zone (Scottish Events Campus)
Join a panel of business and policy leaders to discuss the role of sustainable bioenergy and BECCS in delivering global Net Zero. Please note this event requires a delegate pass for the COP26 Blue Zone.
Please register to attend at

Forestry and Net Zero: Protecting and investing in forests
Date/Time: Wednesday 10th November, 9.00am – 10.30am
Location: 200 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5SG
Sustainable management of forests and supply of wood products will be central to protecting forest carbon sinks and the species they support. This event will explore how the sustainable forestry sector can play a crucial part in delivering global Net Zero. Followed by morning refreshments.
Please register to attend at

Ensuring Sustainable Bioenergy: Launching the Glasgow Declaration on Sustainable Bioenergy
Date/Time: Wednesday 10th November, 11.00am – 12.30pm
Location: 200 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5SG
According to the International Energy Agency, sustainable wood-based bioenergy must increase threefold to meet global Net Zero. This event will set out a vision for how the industry can meet this challenge while maintaining its commitment to sustainability. Followed by a networking lunch.
Please register to attend at

Seuraa Bioenergia ry:n viestintää ja osallistu keskusteluun tunnuksella #KoskaBioenergiaaTarvitaan